Start your superhero journey for free

Here is the right place to start your journey for free!

🌟Step Into Your Power free mini training

20 minutes to connect with your inner power and build your optimal environment for it to flourish!

And if you wish to repeat each mini video separately:

The first video (of three) is a guided meditation called “The Superhero Meditation”

This meditation was given to me some time ago to help connect with our inner power. Our brain associates the image of the superhero with incredible powers, strength, resources, courage…but we often see those qualities far from ourselves, while we are much more powerful and resourceful than we think!

Enjoy this inner journey to discover your wonderful light!

The following video will help you create the perfect visual environment for your “inner Superhero”: The Power of Images

The following video will help you create the perfect sound environment for your “inner Superhero”: The Power of Sound

You are now ready to take action and start the training of your “inner Superhero”!

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