Galactic TaiChi

On the day following the Lunar Eclipse of 27th August 2018, I was teaching a one-to-one TaiChi session, and suddenly two words came to my mind: Galactic TaiChi.

At that moment, I knew that I could ask to channel TaiChi forms- not forms coming from well known traditions, but forms long forgotten or not even ever known by humankind.

I have been channeling messages and art for years, the idea of receiving and sharing new TaiChi material felt amazing to me.

I received the first form right after the one-to-one session.

Every single move of that form made perfect sense and had a reason to be exactly as it was.

I went on receiving forms during each Full Moon and New Moon.

Galactic TaiChi is about balance, between the Yin and the Yang, yet it goes far beyond that. It is a multidimensional art.

Yin is Mother Earth, Earth Element, Water Element as well as the Feminine Consciousness.

Yang is the Father, the Air Element, Fire Element as well as the Masculine Consciousness.

When the Tantien is the core of Earthly TaiChi, the Sacred Heart is the core of Galactic TaiChi.

It relies on precise moves and sacred geometry.

Its basic forms use the cross, circle, triangle and square, while advanced forms use the spiral, the flowers and combined geometric designs similar to crop circles.

In my personal practice of it, I can experience a huge uplifting of my vibration, mood, energy. These forms are working on body, mind and spirit in a way I have never encountered before.

I am very thankful for this gift, looking forward to sharing it and working on more.

On 12th October 2018, I received a message to channel about the origins of Galactic TaiChi: