Light Language Art Healing

Light Language is considered like the highest form of intelligence known in the Universe.

It can be expressed in words, music, artworks, movements… each manifestation of Light Language contains precise frequencies which convey information directly to our cells and subconscious mind.

I have been channelling and creating Light Language since 2018, first as vocal and musical art, then as visual art, since 2021.

I experimented a lot on myself and friends who were interested. I discovered incredible benefits for health, energy and mood.

We are currently living challenging times and many persons are suffering from low energy, a sense of powerlessness, worry and anxiety for the future – I experienced those too but I also noticed how watching or listening to Light Language can shift my mood and energy level in merely minutes!

That worked also on family members and friends, not necessarily interested in spirituality at all.

The Art of frequencies is science and Light Language could be considered as a very advanced form of technology, something never seen before, whose applications are potentially infinite.

Ì started creating a card deck (Atlantean and Galactic) then I printed bags with Light Codes, to empower ourselves while simply walking in the streets!

My latest creations are mini blankets to use while meditating, or eventually sleeping – though their energies are very intense.

More to come!

I create personal Codes that can be printed on a bag, blanket or another item, which comes with an explanation of the Code and an eventual meditation attached to it – if you wish to deepen the work and benefits, this can become a coaching journey with one or more one to one sessions.

Light Language is simple, it comes directly from the heart – from that infinite space of Love and Creativity.

Each time Light Language is expressed, a little more light is anchored in our beautiful planet – you can directly benefit from that light.

Info and booking :

Available Bags:

Solar Code Yang Energy
Dolphin Bubble Yin Energy
Crown of Flower – Faeries Energy

Card Deck

Original Card Deck

Card Deck £14

Bag (above) £16 per bag

Personal unique bag £35

+ meditation £50

+coaching session £111

Longer programs – to discuss