Unlock the Superhero within You- online program

A seven steps online program to help you manifest what you really want in your life, find your magic inside, your own unique superpower, this one spark that makes you who you are!

Because we are wonderful beings, because we have the sun and the moon inside, because our mind has an incredible potential, because our body is an amazing vessel, we can do it!

We are living in a world that very often tends to take our power away.

Are you feeling under the pressure of bosses, peers, work, family, society? Are you at times feeling not good enough, powerless, helpless, as if whatever you do will never be right?

The answer is actually not outside. Self confidence can’t be given by people, events, not even successes- and moreover, our successes are determined by our self confidence, our positivity, our faith in ourselves.

So it all starts from the inside. What you have inside, you reflect outside. This is what you send to the universe too, and according to the Law of Attraction, it is exactly what the universe will send back to you.

Lower vibrations such as sadness, guilt, discouragement will bring you always more of those- while higher vibrations such as love, joy, enthusiasm will bring you always more of those, which means abundance, success and happiness.

A heart full of abundance, happy and thankful- a mind stable, inspired, resourceful, able to solve any issue and experience those as challenges- this is what you are looking for.

Waking up each morning with that sense of power and abundance will bring you exactly what you want, where you want.

This is what my course is all about. Don’t mistake, it isn’t a magical touch that will do the job for you. It all depends on you. Each video of the course will give you hints to work on, to practice- because only your own personal work will bring you the results you wish.

Still unsure?

Why not grasping the first three videos of the course for free?!

Only those three videos can be life changing and contain valuable information on how to connect with your inner power, resources, abundance- which I call our inner Superhero- and how to use simple things such as images and sounds to lift up your mood in an incredible way.

Here is a short video in which I explain why I often use the image of the Superhero as a tool for self empowerment:

What you will get for the price you pay?

A seven weeks program with one or more videos each week as well as a text and a meditation. This course is designed to fit any kind of schedules. The videos and texts are short but open to personal work, practice and research. You are the one in control of the amount of work and time you want to put into this program. Yet you aren’t alone, you have ongoing support from me through emails so that you can get guidance and advice anytime you need!

A Bonus 30 minutes weekly live chat

Want to give it a free try?

Click on that link to get the first videos!


Want to enrol right away?

Email me! twelvestars@yahoo.com

See you there, Superheroes!