Working with our Heart Energy

I recently followed a conference about activating our Heart Centre.

Did you know that our heart, as an organ, contains neurons? And as such, can be considered as a second brain…

There are actually two Chakras around our heart: the green Heart Chakra as well as our Higher Heart, which often is associated with a beautiful pink light.

This centre is where balance happens between our physical and spiritual self, as well as between our mental and emotional self. Our Higher Heart contains the Three Fold Flame, our Divine Spark.

When we wish to calm our mind, centering in our heart will help, as it’s deeply connected with our Soul, it also brings deeper knowledge.

The interesting thing I realised during a guided meditation, is that our heart can also bring energy to our physical body – through the concept of the “Iron Shirt” : breathing in light to the centre and out to the periphery.

From that experience, I created a short guided meditation.

I am thrilled to share it here!

Before starting, I was feeling very tired and after the practice, my whole being was literally irradiating with energy and joy, as well as unconditional Love.

Do you want to try? It’s only 8 minutes long.

Please let me know how it goes 💖