About me

To have time for Mindfulness anytime!

🕰️Many people don’t practice mindfulness daily because their schedules are full.

Here are two options to find always time for Mindfulness!

1- Practice very short sessions (2-3 minutes) while on the bus, waiting at the till, during breaks at work… whenever you can find these few minutes.
Taking few moments for yourself is a great sign of self love and you will be more relaxed when interacting with others.
(This solution is especially good before an exam, job interview and such)

2- Practice perpetual meditation.
You can exercise mindfulness while doing almost anything else, walking, eating, typing at the computer, washing the dishes, gardening…
This will allow you to experience life at its fullest and increase the quality of whatever you are doing.

Please let me know if those tips are helpful!đź’–

The true meaning of my work

I finally understood the deep sense of what I am offering.

It’s coming from my past but I was unable to see it before a conversation I had yesterday.

I wrote my life coaching thesis about self empowerment, totally missing the point of what it really is, and why I felt so drawn to that concept.

Most people see self empowerment as a way to unlock our inner potential, become high achievers and reach big goals – that is definitely part of it – but this can’t happen without a solid foundation, which is developing self empowerment in order to fight our inner battles.

In my late teens, I started to face self sabotage and back then, I had no empowering weapons to deal with it – in time though, I went on a quest for those weapons and now, though self sabotage is still present on occasion, I usually notice it and have resources to handle it.

That said – inner battles are different for everyone – I am not claiming to have a magic wand that brings you victory over yourself each time.

All I can do, is sharing my experience and the huge amount of knowledge I gathered over the years.

Moreover, I am also realising how self empowerment is deeply connected with mindfulness.

Both serve each other.

Often mindfulness is challenging precisely because the battle is raging inside. At times, it can be thoughts like “there’s too much noise around, I can’t meditate like that!” I started meditating in a flat under which there was a noisy restaurant, so that could happen quite often! On occasion, we may just renounce our session. In that situation self empowerment can help us by acknowledging our frustration and either choosing noise as our meditation object or simply finding another way to practice a more dynamic form of mindfulness – such as walking or even mindful house chores, gardening… whatever works for you.

The important part is finding that inner power to say NO to our self sabotage, and that, requires so much strength indeed, over and over again.

It’s a quest unique for each person, that never stops, but which can also be very rewarding.

It’s hard, it’s challenging, because such is life, but we don’t have to face this alone.

I believe that inspiration works in a fascinating way… as a part of a charity association, I dress in costumes to visit children with special needs and on occasions, we have photoshoots to showcase costumes.

Last week, I was Belle – and I thought that inside each and everyone of us, there is the Beast but there is also Belle.

When you find balance and harmony between those two aspects, they start to work together.

It is a lifetime journey but this is precisely what allows us to understand our incredible potential and inner resources.

In fact, mindfulness is also the foundation to the journey of self empowerment. The first week of my program “Unlock the Superhero within You” is all about mindfulness.

It’s the starting point of our quest!

#selfempowerement #mindfulness #coaching

Working with our Heart Energy

I recently followed a conference about activating our Heart Centre.

Did you know that our heart, as an organ, contains neurons? And as such, can be considered as a second brain…

There are actually two Chakras around our heart: the green Heart Chakra as well as our Higher Heart, which often is associated with a beautiful pink light.

This centre is where balance happens between our physical and spiritual self, as well as between our mental and emotional self. Our Higher Heart contains the Three Fold Flame, our Divine Spark.

When we wish to calm our mind, centering in our heart will help, as it’s deeply connected with our Soul, it also brings deeper knowledge.

The interesting thing I realised during a guided meditation, is that our heart can also bring energy to our physical body – through the concept of the “Iron Shirt” : breathing in light to the centre and out to the periphery.

From that experience, I created a short guided meditation.

I am thrilled to share it here!

Before starting, I was feeling very tired and after the practice, my whole being was literally irradiating with energy and joy, as well as unconditional Love.

Do you want to try? It’s only 8 minutes long.

Please let me know how it goes đź’–

About me

E41B16AC-E3B6-4225-AFA2-F79C2CA84835.jpegI was born in France and lived many years in the fascinating town of Venice-Italy. A few years ago, I decided to respond to a call and I moved to the UK. I mostly responded to the call of love, but what I found there was far beyond my greatest expectations.
And I understood something extremely important, I was finally in the place where I could attract what I want in life. I am not only talking of a physical place, like a country or a town, I am talking of an inner place, or better, an inner vibration.
The vibration we give off in life attracts people, situations, opportunities…the higher our vibration is, the most positive things will come to us, to the persons around us, and to our whole planet.
The highest vibrations ever are love, joy, happiness- so you see, your happiness matters.
In changing your vibration, you change your life and you also change the world. Everything is connected.
You will ask, how do I do that?
Well, that is my job, helping you to get into the state from which you will be able to achieve anything you want in life.
In this period, our planet is undergoing the same process, she is rising her vibration, and in rising our own, we help her, as we also help whole humankind to take the next step of evolution.
Yes, your well-being, your happiness, your dreams, your vibration are that important.

Now, you may want to know me better!
I journeyed a lot before finding my place in all this. I have experience in theatre playing, directing, writing. I am a singer and song writer.
I have a Black Belt in Shaolin Kung Fu. I studied Counselling, just to discover that it wasn’t my path. I am attuned with Angelic Reiki at levels 1,2,3 and 4. After the first two levels of attunment, I was led to Life Coaching, which I studied with great passion and graduated with distinction.
A few years ago, I discovered an unexpected gift for channeling and clairvoyance.
I like to swim outdoors all year long and am a practitioner of the Wim Hof Method.
I am extremely inspired by fantasy and scifi. I am even part of a light saber combat group (Ludosport)
The reason why those bring me inspiration is that often Scifi portrays heroes who are working on themselves to reach their higher potential, like the superheroes , the Jedi, the Vulcan in Star Trek…
When we talk of personal empowerment, we also talk of enabling others to connect with their inner power, as a step in their journey to reach the higher vibration that will uplift them.

My invitation to you is to spread your wings and reach for the stars!
You can make it happen!07822553-EA9E-4DE8-9FBF-9848874ADD88